Would you like to be part of our community at La Maisonnée? We offer you a way to fully invest yourself in the civic and community involvement of our organization by becoming a full member of our family!

2 types of members
Active members
Can become active members all users and volunteers of the organization, as well as anyone who contributes to the achievement of the organization’s objectives and who meets the conditions.
La Maisonnée employees and associations of persons cannot become active members.
- Support the organization’s goals ;
- Commit to contributing to these objectives ;
- Promote the mission, values and objectives of La Maisonnée ;
- Have been a sympathetic member for at least one year, have volunteered 50 hours with La Maisonnée in the past 12 months or have been co-opted by the Board of Directors ;
- Fill in the form provided for this purpose ;
- Pay your annual contribution.
- Right to vote at general and specialized assemblies ;
- Right to be elected to La Maisonnée’s Board of Directors ;
- Right to attend regular meetings of the Board of Directors and to ask questions or make suggestions during the period allocated for this purpose. To do so, members must notify in writing the Chair of the Board at least 24 hours prior to the meeting, including the purpose of the request.
Sympathetic members
Any individual who does not meet the conditions to become an active member and who shares the objectives of La Maisonnée.
In addition, an employee of La Maisonnée can only become a member one year after leaving the organization.
- Support the organization’s goals ;
- Make the request by filling in the form provided for this purpose ;
- Pay your annual contribution.
- Right to participate in general and special assemblies as observers with the right to speak but without the right to vote ;
- Right to attend to regular meetings of the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions provided for this purpose for active members.
Admission procedures
The Board of Directors sets by resolution the amount of annual dues for members of each category in accordance with the needs of La Maisonnée.
Any active or sympathetic member may terminate his membership by sending a written notice to this effect to La Maisonnée’s secretary.
Suspension and exclusion
In the event of prejudicial activities to the interests and objectives of the organization, the board of directors can suspend or exclude an active or sympathetic member. The reasons for suspension or expulsion must be recorded in writing. The suspended or excluded member may be heard at a meeting of the Board of Directors
Register of members
The Secretary of La Maisonnée maintains a register in which the names of members in good standing according to their category are entered. Members who have not renewed their membership for more than one year will have their names removed from the register.