Citizenship workshop (morning)
Are you permanent residents? Are you wondering how to obtain citizenship, how to compile your file? Welcome to our workshop!
One Wednesday per month
From 9:30am to 11am
– What are the requirements?
– How to compile your file?
– Rights and responsibilities?
– Personalized and individual support for your file following the workshop!
Please note that this workshop is for permanent residents living in Quebec.
You will receive the ZOOM link by email the day before the event. (de Zina Laadj ou Christine Marsolais). Check your inboxes and spam. THANKS !
Please note that this workshop is only given in French.
We also offer personalized individual support at the end of each workshop/webinar.
So don’t hesitate to make an appointment with the workshop facilitator!
For more information, (514) 271-3533
Eligibility conditions:
Be a permanent resident and live in Quebec.
Required equipment:
Computer and internet

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