Promoting integration: the importance of client recognition in immigrant aid organizations
Customer recognition by Christine Marsolais.
26 March 2024

In Quebec's multicultural landscape, immigrant support organizations play an essential role in welcoming and integrating newcomers. At the heart of this mission is customer recognition, a fundamental element that goes far beyond simple professional interactions. For the employees of these organizations, recognizing the value and unique needs of each individual represents a crucial act of kindness and support in their journey of adaptation to Quebec society.
Create connections from the first contact
Customer recognition begins from the first contact. Welcoming newcomers with empathy, respect and openness creates an environment where they feel heard and understood. This first positive contact establishes a solid foundation for a relationship of mutual trust between the organization and the newcomer. This trusting relationship is essential to encourage open communication and collaboration in the onboarding process.
Facilitate individual adaptation
By recognizing the value and unique needs of each individual, employees of immigrant support organizations help facilitate the individual and social adaptation of newcomers to Quebec society. This person-centered approach creates an environment where newcomers feel supported and encouraged to develop their full potential in their new living environment.
Strengthen the attraction of new customers
In addition to facilitating individual adaptation, customer recognition plays a crucial role in attracting new customers to the free services offered by La Maisonnée. First impressions are often decisive, and positive and pleasant interactions with the organization’s staff reinforce the image of Quebec as a welcoming and open society. These initial impressions considerably influence the decision of newcomers to engage in the integration process and to use the organization’s services, whether they are employment or study assistance services, social and cultural integration, leisure activities, language courses, day camps and homework help, the women’s committee, or information and discovery workshops in the fields of employment or youth sectors.
Source of professional satisfaction
For employees, customer recognition also represents a source of professional satisfaction and motivation. By seeing the positive impact of their work on the lives of newcomers, they feel valued and invested in their mission of help and support. This recognition strengthens the feeling of belonging to a community committed to building an inclusive and diverse society. Years later, certain clients who have become Canadian citizens come to us naturally to show their gratitude for having been able to discover La Maisonnée and had access to our services to help them in their efforts. Sometimes this is expressed with messages, donations, references to loved ones or simply testimonies of their successes. Some generous people even come with flowers and photos of their journey! Of course, these testimonies are too numerous to all be broadcast on our networks, but we group together most of the digital written testimonies on the home page of our website:
In conclusion, customer recognition is a fundamental pillar in immigrant aid organizations. By offering a warm and attentive welcome, these organizations create an environment conducive to the harmonious integration of newcomers. This person-centered approach strengthens social ties, promotes collaboration and contributes to building a more inclusive and welcoming Quebec society for all.
From the point of view of Christine Marsolais
I have worked at the Maisonnée for over ten years and before that I worked at Immigration Québec as a reception agent. Just like at the Maisonnée, I met immigrant clients and guided them to finally refer them to community organizations. Today, it is me who plays this role as a social worker at the Maisonnée, I offer all the services available at the Maisonnée.
One of the satisfactions in our daily work is receiving recognition from customers, this gives us the energy and the desire to do even better. When we carry out
Today, it is me who plays this role as a social worker at the Maisonnée, I offer all the services available at the Maisonnée.
One of the satisfactions in our daily work is receiving recognition from customers, this gives us the energy and the desire to do even better. When you do the work of a social worker, you basically have to enjoy helping people and meeting their expectations. I would say that the main qualities that we must demonstrate during our meetings with customers are listening, discernment and empathy.
Every day in our work with customers we process different immigration requests and we must be multidisciplinary and above all have up-to-date knowledge to provide precise and accurate answers to customers. During our interventions, a bond of trust must always be established. We must project a positive image and this image is part of the first meeting with the customer who will feel welcomed and will return to receive other services if our welcome has met their expectations.
At La Maisonnée we support clients from their arrival in Quebec, asylum seekers, temporary workers, foreign students, permanent residents and until they obtain their Canadian citizenship. We have the satisfaction of seeing all the stages of their migratory journey.
Several people we met told us that they appreciated our services and that our work greatly helped them in their life journey in Quebec. This recognition very often brings us other customers who also want to obtain the services of the Maisonnée. All these appreciations, these testimonies from the people we have supported at the Maisonnée motivate us, stimulate us and give us even more energy to continue our work with immigrant clients.
Here are some examples of testimonials that Christine regularly receives:
“Hello Christine
I would just like to thank you for all the effort and support and professionalism that you have given throughout the long journey that we have to go through, namely sponsorship for my wife and my two children, but also for citizenship for me and my two children also received our passports I will be forever grateful to you I wish you a good end of your career
Mr E.H.C
Hello Mrs. Christine.
Good news for me, yesterday I passed my citizenship exam, thank you for your contribution to my success, I wish you an excellent day, thank you.
Ms. E.P
Dear Ms. Christine,
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable help and support in completing the citizenship form. Thanks to your support, I was able to finalize the form and send it a few days ago. Your kindness and warm welcome were very much appreciated, even if I kept you for a long time. Your help has been invaluable, and I am grateful for everything you have done for me.
With all my gratitude, Amina!
Thank you once again for your help in this last step. You do very good work, very useful to immigrants.
Now I’m very relieved that it’s all over! Mr R
Hello Ms. Christine, I hope you are well. It is with great pleasure that I inform you that I have received an acknowledgment of receipt for my daughter’s citizenship application file. This is an opportunity to thank you for your availability and professionalism. From the bottom of my heart, a big thank you.
Mr S.T
Hello Madam Christine,
I come here to express my thanks to you for the time you gave me throughout the process of my family sponsorship application and my citizenship application.
Mrs S
Madam, it is thanks to you that we are today at the final stage in the process. It is rare to meet such dedicated and committed people. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. I am very grateful to you for all your impeccable work. On my own behalf and my partner thank you for everything you have done. Please receive, Madam, all my gratitude and the expression of my sincere greetings.
Mr. M.S.A. »
Once again, we send you a big mutual THANK YOU for all this wonderful recognition and these testimonies!
Welcome to La Maisonnée, a community organization dedicated to supporting and integrating immigrants into our social fabric.
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